Cameron McConnachie Clinical Psychologist

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
– Lao Tzu

I am a Clinical Psychologist practicing out of Lynnwood, Pretoria. I work with people of all ages – children, adolescents and adults – dealing with a range of psychological and psychiatric difficulties that include, but are not limited to, depression, anxiety, trauma and changes in mood.

My passion lies in working with adolescents, young adults and victims of others’ extreme behaviour; providing a space where my clients are able to engage freely from a position of safety.

What is therapy (psychotherapy)?

Therapy is process in which a psychologist seeks to assist people of all ages live happier, healthier and more productive lives. Often the purpose of therapy is to resolve problematic behaviours, beliefs, feelings and their accompanying physical symptoms. However, something important to keep in mind is that there does not always have to be a “problem” of some kind to start attending therapy. Sometimes therapy can be used as a means of personal growth and development, to learn about one’s self and gain new skills pertinent to various contexts.

Although some situations may appear similar on the surface level, no two people’s experiences are the same, and as such we consider these experiences unique. Similarly, therapy, at an individual level, is a unique experience whereby the approach to treatment is tailored to meet the client’s needs. Having said this, identifying those very specific needs can be a somewhat challenging process as it requires an openness that some people might find difficult at first. Thus, contrary to what many people believe, therapy is not always a “soft option”, as it can be difficult to admit to some of the feelings and challenges that one may be experiencing in our everyday lives. However, many people find that they feel better once they have had the opportunity to share and to be heard the space therapy provides.

Principles to Practice By

I believe that my role as therapist is to facilitate change and foster growth through creating a therapeutic space in which the client’s needs can be identified, explored and eventually met. I understand that at times the areas of life we seek to change cannot be impacted on, and it is in these times that we need to adapt accordingly. In this sense, through fully understanding my client’s world and his/her accompanying context, I strive to offer an individualised opportunity of engaging in a process where, above all, my client feels safe, contained and confidential – allowing for exploration into the most relevant aspects of his/her presenting problem.

My belief around running my practice is quality over quantity, as I place significant value on both the time I can offer my clients and a deep engagement in the overall process.

If you are interested in finding out more about therapy, or would like to make an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact me. The decision around starting therapy isn’t always an easy one and I would like to help where ever possible, even if that means referring you to a colleague more suited to meeting your needs.