

individual therapy

Individual therapy is a one on one therapeutic process in which the individual and therapist explore various different and important issues pertinent to the individual’s functioning. It is an effective method of treatment for various types of mental, emotional and behavioral health issues such as depression, anxiety, substance use and PTSD, to name a few. However, individual therapy also serves as a means through which to aid others in navigating and managing challenging life situations, or in fostering growth toward healthier, more functional personal habits.


group therapy

Group therapy, as defined by its namesake, is a group of individuals being treated at the same time by a therapist (sometimes more than one therapist). Therapeutic groups offer members the opportunity to both receive support and give support to others that share similar problems and struggles. This allows for a closeness to form between members, and a strength in knowing that one is not alone. Groups also serve as an effective means through which individuals can develop both appropriate and effective communication and socialization skills. As such, group therapy can be a powerful and effective form of psychotherapy when utilised appropriately.


family therapy

Family therapy seeks to explore problems within the system of relationships in which they occur (i.e. the family), creating a space in which family members are encouraged to voice their stories and actively listen to the stories of others. Family therapy aims to promote change by intervening in the broader system rather than in the individual alone. As such, it focuses on helping each family to be successful on its own terms, be it through altering interactional patterns between family members, or developing new skills necessary for a satisfying family life through psychoeducation. Overall, family therapy is a unique and rewarding experience.


couples therapy / counselling

All couples face challenges during the course of their relationships. These challenges can be immense or minor, long-term or short-term, and can stem from a variety of different causes. Couples therapy offers couples, both those in new and old relationships, the opportunity to work through and resolve conflicts, gain insight into their relationship and improve relationship satisfaction through a focus on specific problems (for example; sexual and intimacy related challenges, substance use, jealousy, and many others). The goal of therapy is to provide relief and pave the way toward a happy and healthy relationship.